Sometimes clients and nonprofits fall into a rut of using the same service providers for many years, without evaluating what is right for their clients. We would like to offer an alternative and highlight the superior appraisals produced from our companies.

Nonprofits often refer appraisers when their donors are seeking a non-cash charitable tax deduction. Often, appraisers that have been used for years and even decades are used without evaluation of their skills and if they follow requisite IRS guidelines. Appraising property for years using the wrong valuation methodology, without inclusion of comparable market data, incomplete reports, and lack of education and personal property appraisal organization accreditation, puts donors at risk.
Ensuring appraisal are IRS compliant will encourage further donations of property, avoiding the landfill and allowing for reuse.
We highly recommend nonprofits and clients try our services and experience the difference brought by superior education, accreditation, IRS compliance, and detailed report research and writing skills. We hope to educate both nonprofits and clients on the importance of hiring the right appraiser.
Deconstruction and architectural salvage appraisers have been incredibly low in number over the past two decades since these donations commenced. Some estimate that only 2-3 appraisal companies complete over 75% of all appraisals nationwide. Tax court cases Mann v. US, 2019, and Loube v. Commissioner, 2020, were both deconstruction appraisals where the taxpayer lost their deduction and are evidence of IRS complete disallowance when an appraisal is found deficient and/or the appraiser and client do not fill out tax forms completely and accurately. Additionally, Chiarelli v. Commissioner, 2021 again disallows a deduction due to lack of a detailed and accurate appraisal for personal property donations.
The Green Mission Inc. and Probity Appraisal Group can move nonprofits and clients from the years of using appraisals comparable to flip-phone technology to appraisals based upon a firm understanding of personal property appraisal regulations…or a shiny new iPhone.
Experience—Experience among team members includes years in antiques, art, collectibles, furnishings, household content, along with architectural salvage including building materials and decorative elements.
Credentials and Education—Accredited through personal property appraisal organizations, MS degrees in complementary subjects.
Responsiveness—We ensure clients receive a quoted value range for their donation as well as a fee shortly after we complete our inspection. Appraisals are delivered when promised. Modifications to donated property is concurrently updated to ensure our appraisal includes all property donated and excludes anything that was not.
IRS compliance including current guidance from the IRS regarding documentation and Form 8283. We attend frequent seminars with IRS counsel presenters to ensure we are using the most up-to-date guidance. We assist clients and their CPAs by sharing our knowledge and provide references for following when completing the tax forms and remitting the tax return.
We encourage clients and referral sources to reach out and see the superior quality, depth of knowledge, and customer service we provide to our clients.